1 min read
16 Jun

For the foreseeable future, I am taking a break from posting a blog every week while my batteries get recharged.  

I'm enjoying this quieter period in my life.  I no longer feel guilty for doing nothing when that is exactly what I want to do.   

I watch my daughter and see myself as I used to be - always busy with the house. Spending money repairing or replacing things that break or wear out or need updated.  This week it's her leaking dishwasher.  Next week she has to find someone to clean out the eaves gutters. There's always something.  

Watching her reminds me how much I have simplified my life.  My life is good.  I'm happy as a nomad and will live this type of life as long as I can. 

When I began writing this blog sixty-three weeks ago I didn't think it would last this long or that people like yourself would enjoy my weekly stories.  Your interest was a pleasant, unexpected surprise and am so thankful for it. It's because of you that I continued this long, but it's time for a break.  

I'm not sure when I will pick it up again, perhaps when I'm on the move in August.  In any case, I'll let you know by e-mail and FaceBook.  Meantime, be kind to yourself, stay healthy. enjoy your summer.  



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