1 min read
22 Sep

Last week I told you more than you needed to know about my health, but I guess it goes along with things to keep in mind if you take up a nomadic lifestyle, especially at an older age.  You never know what blips await you along the way and you need to be prepared for how to deal with them.

The weather has been incredible - the longest period of great weather without rain interruptions since summer began.  I've been taking advantage of being outside as much as possible and took up swimming exercises again as I began to feel better.  It's essential to keep as fit as you can!

My 80+ years Driver's Test was this week.  What a joke! Fifteen minutes in and out.  Draw a clock with hands at 10 past 11, then read line 4-on-the-eye-chart.   I passed both. For years I've believed that a road test should be mandatory for 80+ drivers.  That would be very stressful, but would weed out more drivers who really should not be behind the wheel - perhaps even me - but it would be safer for both the elder driver and innocents on the road. 


Aeromexico confirmed my comment last week about not being able to trust that your booked flights will actually happen as scheduled.  The airline notified me that my connecting flight from Mexico City to Manzanillo was cancelled.  It would now be the following day.  That means I would have to pick up my bags, get a hotel overnight and traipse back to the airport the next day!  I didn't want to do that, but all their flights from Toronto to Manzanillo were solidly booked the entire month of November!  It was a case of "take it or leave it"

For many years, Don and I flew to Puerto Vallarta then bussed or taxied the 5 hours from there to Manzanillo - there are no regional flights from PV!  So I decided to book an Air Canada flight to PV and be driven to Manzanillo - I'm comfortable with this route.   

After several unsuccessful hours of trying on-line to get an Aeromexico refund, I phoned and spoke with a live human. Within a few minutes she had me on an earlier connecting flight on November 4, the day I want to fly - Mexico City to Manzanillo - no problem!  

When I called Air Canada back to cancel that trip I was given a credit, not a refund.  So, I will use that for my return from Mexico next April.  My driver, Jose, can take me to Puerto Vallarta where I can spend a couple of days before catching my flight home to Toronto.  

So my travel plans for winter in Mexico seem to be settled (as much as they can be these days) both going and coming...and both are paid. 

Hopefully, travel will be a little less chaotic by next spring.

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