After three months or q hectic social lifestyle, the days are quieting down somewhat, which is a good thing. I was "burning the candle at both ends" as the saying goes. As I wrote this, I had an image of a candle flaming at both ends. My curious mind needed to know precisely what that phrase means. Interestingly, the phrase should be thought of as "burning the candle at both ends OF THE DAY!" not at both ends of the candle!
It originated in the 16th century,. Candles were very expensive so weren't used unless you really had to be up before dawn or work after sunset. Today, it is an idiom describing people who are exhausting themselves without getting enough rest. Well, that certainly describes my Mexican life up to now, but it's amazing how quickly I recoverwith with a couple of "quieter" days.
My friend, Maureen, (who has been the other half of "Double Trouble", as she and I have been dubbed by those who know us), left for her home in Omaha yesterday. I have enjoyed her companionship immensely for the past three months. We didn't actually get into trouble, but, being single women, each of us was only too willing to accompany the other to parties, events, dinners, lunches, breakfasts or just a drink at each others homes whenever an opportunity presented itself - which was usually daily,.
The social calendar changes now from raucous days one after another to more sedate, with only 3 or 4 events a week. There's now time for other pursuits.
My patio table has become my art studio. "Royce" has gone home with his be framed and take up an honoured place in her living room alongside his sisterr, Ava, whom I painted ten years ago.
An unfinished seascape now on my easel beckons. appealingly and several other canvases await their turn. Duolingo Spanish lessons that I've ignored for a month or two, need attention. Books await to be read on hot afternoons. Happy hours with friends at Oasis, or on my patio, followed by a home cooked meal will be a welcome change for my palate and my pocketbook. More exercise than what I've been getting lately is essential for my continued well being. Late afternoon walks on the beach followed by swimming laps in my deserted at dinner-time-pool when the water feels warmest, becomes a daily routine.
Life for the month and a half I have left here promises to be more subdued but certainly it will be anything but boring!
"Double Trouble Duo" enjoying a 90th birthday party for a friend in January.. The "high season" in Manzanillo is January through March. Snow birds begin returning home now - more so to Canada than to the States. I'll be one of the last to leave at the end of April hoping spring has started after a very cold, snowy winter in Ontario.